Picture of Tom Eve standing for a photo with his hands behind his back and a tractor in the background

What’s been happening at P.X Farms? Tom’s update – 8 April 2024

Let’s take a look back at the last couple of weeks with Tom, P.X. Farms Farm Manager:

I probably sound like a stuck record, but it’s still very wet here, and we’ve not really had a short spell of dry weather since my last update. We’re still waiting for the prolonged period of dry to get on with the bulk of our spring work. Our team has put in a great effort in what has been a very challenging spring so far. We’re making the most of the opportunities to get out and have some spraying done and fertiliser applied in the short-weather windows.

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Picture of Tom Eve standing for a photo with his hands behind his back and a tractor in the background

What’s been happening at P.X. Farms? Tom’s update – March 2024

Let’s take a look back at the last couple of weeks with Tom, P.X. Farms Farm Manager:

When you are embraced in the thick of it, it’s easy to forget all the things you have been doing. Though it’s still very wet here, with another 20mm just recently, we are still really busy. In a ‘normal’ year, we would be spring drilling, but we still have 880 hectares of spring cropping to put in the ground. It will be interesting to see how this impacts our spring crops, but fingers crossed we have a dry spell and, before long, we can get on.

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What’s been happening down on the farm? Tom’s update – 9 February 2024

A picture of Tom Eve, Farm Manager at P.X. FarmsLet’s take a look back at the last couple of weeks with Tom, P.X. Farms Farm Manager:

We’ve been busy doing maintenance work the last couple of weeks on machinery and our fields, as well as taking the opportunity in the last cold spell to get the winter wheat finished.  We’re looking forward to starting our fertiliser programme on all the crops, working in tandem with our regenerative agriculture practices.

Two of our eight-tonne Volvo Diggers have had routine management. Simon and I have been busy in the workshop checking the trailers for their Tilly tests – an important British Standard for trailer maintenance (BS 14200: 2023 Maintenance of Machinery – Specification).

With wet conditions, we’ve been clearing waterways, including the main arteries by the fields and roadside, preventing flooding and ensuring proper drainage.

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A photo of Kieran Robinson of P.X. Farms in front of a red P.X Farms vehicle

Get to know the P.X. Farms team – an interview with Kieran Robinson

In the world of agriculture, success isn’t just about what and how you grow or produce; it’s about who you grow and produce it with. Our team isn’t just a valuable asset but a source of innovation, dedication, and growth.

We’re celebrating our team members by sharing a little something about them to help you get to know us better. First to be interviewed: Kieran Robinson, one of our combine and spray drivers who also ensures the estate is well maintained. Let’s find out more:

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Team meeting

What’s been happening at P.X. Farms? Our end of the year 2023 update

As we draw a close to 2023, we’d like to thank all our clients and partners for working with us this past year, and wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. During the festive period, we will be closed from 22nd December 2023 and returning 2nd January 2024.

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