One unified team passionate about agriculture
Our dedicated team work with our clients to deliver tailored solutions. We're based in the Estate Office at Scotland Farm, but you'll find us in the yards and fields across our family and partner farms, and out on the roads.
Our Estate Office team
Transport team
Our Grain hospital, store and lab team
Our history
Back in 2003, after studying at Lackham Agricultural College and Writtle Agricultural College (university) and then managing Peck’s Contracting Services for five years, James took on the family farm of 750 acres and 150 acres in contract, under P.X. Farms Ltd. Now we are a 51-strong and farming 12,500 acres (~8,500 around Cambridge, ~2,000 in Lincolnshire, and ~2,000 in Bedfordshire/Hertfordshire) with a mixture of rentals, owned land, and contract farming. Today, most of the land is within an 18-mile radius of Scotland Farm, Cambridge, but there is also land 71 miles away in one direction and 34 miles in another.
James won the Farmers Weekly Firestone Young Farmer of the Year award in 2006 and, in 2010, was awarded a prestigious Nuffield Farming Scholarship to study the future of arable farming.
From 2010 to 2012, James was the chairman of the Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire CLA. Since 2013, he has been part of the Worshipful Company of Farmers and is currently Court Assistant of the Worshipful Company of Farmers. He was also Chairman of the Henman Brooks Committee.
Today, we are a modern family agribusiness, embracing diversification from just outside Cambridge in the UK. We continue to grow the P.X. Farms brand with an expert team specialising in farming, crop storage, crop lab testing, haulage, crop hospital, lettings, and building.
Check out our YouTube channel for the latest updates from the team.

Remembering those we have lost along the way​
We’re deeply saddened to say that Melanie Robinson died following a long-term battle with cancer in 2022. We miss her everyday. Mel has been with James since the beginning and her legacy will continue. She was our Company Secretary and leaves behind her husband and two lovely children.